Bichon Frise

When I was young, around 3rd grade, I liked a tv show about various dog breeds. One day, there was a segment about Bichon Frise. They were adorable, with fluffy fur. For a while, they were my favorite dog breed.

Bernese Mountain Dogs

One of my best friends loves dogs; she has three at the moment. Her dogs' breeds are Maltese and Labrador. However, her favorite dog breed is the Bernese Mountain Dog, which is large and fluffy.


When my best friend got her first dog, I was very excited. I never had a dog, even though I wanted to, so I was very happy that she got one. The dog is a Maltese, so it's small with fluffy white fur.


My best friend's third dog is a playful black Labrador. Although she's still a puppy, she's huge, unlike my friend's two older dogs. Additionally, she has sleek black fur.


Pomapoos are a cross between Pomeranians and Poodles. My grandparent's have a Pomapoo. There can be some variation in the appearance of Pomapoos, but their's is light brown with fluffy hair cut short.

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